The Mathematics Of All Good
ומנלן דהתורה נקראת ברכה
Sefer HaBahir, verse 3 excerpt
Traditional interpretation: "How do we know that Torah is called a blessing?"
The first 3 words (ומנלן דהתורה נקראת) of this excerpt of verse 3, have the following gematriot:
176 : 620 : 751
with digit sums of:
14 : 8 : 13 => yachid -> gateway -> echad
final digit sums of:
5 : 8 : 4 => teshuvah -> gateway -> 'ד (Hashem, see dalet & the tetragrammaton)
and combined digit sums of:
5 + 8 + 4 = 17 = הטבא = "the good" that is all good
Summary: Here is the gateway to all good.
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