Out Of The Fire
שנאמר ומלא ברכת ב' ים ודרום ירשה
Sefer HaBahir, verse 3 excerpt
Traditional interpretation: "Because it is written (Devarim 33:23): The filling is G-d's blessing possessing the Sea and the South."
שנאמר literally means "as it is said ..."
The word can also literally mean "as it is assessed", where the letter shin ש is a prefix meaning "as" or "because", and where the remaining letters נאמר mean "be assessed". In other words, the word construct שנאמר represents an active prophetic assay - the moment of truth where one's "fitness" is literally "assessed".
The Test Of Mar Cheshvan: שנא מר
Hatred, bitterness. One must transform these that normally hide, concealed deeply within, to pass this test. Nice appearances and towing the line do not cut it.
Torah Of Ram Cheshvan: Possessing The Sea & The South
Kabbalistic astrology teaches that Cheshvan corresponds to the "left (north) column water sign". Cheshvan is typically called Mar Cheshavan or "bitter cheshvan". With transformation of the "bitter" into waters of Torah wisdom possessing the Sea and the South, the month is likewise transformed into Ram Cheshvan or "elevated Cheshvan".
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